
PLPA 250 Seminar- Francesca Peduto Hand, The Ohio State University

Francesca Peduto Hand
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The Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology's weekly Plant Pathology 250 seminar series is presented this week by Francesca Peduto Hand, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University.

Seminar Title: "Fruit rot of winterberry: eight years of discovery from the field to the biochemistry (with very little money)"

Biography: Francesca Peduto Hand is an Associate Professor of Plant Pathology at the Ohio State University with teaching, research, and extension responsibilities in ornamental plant diseases. Previously, she received a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology (2008) from the University of Florence, Italy, and conducted postdoctoral research in the Dept. of Plant Pathology at the University of California, Davis (2009-2013). Her lab studies fundamental and applied aspects of pathogen biology, disease epidemiology, and integrated management of diseases impacting the profitability of the ornamental  industry, with a focus on woody cuts and cut flower crops. Her lab is interested in studying the interactions between pathogens, hosts, and the environments in which they interact using classic microbiology, metabolomics, and genomics, and translating knowledge into practical solutions for growers to implement  to prevent crop losses. Hand’s extension responsibilities entail providing county extension educators and various professionals in the green industry, with research-based information on the etiology and management of diseases impacting ornamental plants. Hand also has responsibilities for  undergraduate and graduate teaching (Intro Plant Pathology, Plant Disease Diagnosis, and Diseases of Ornamental Plants) and academic and faculty  advising.

Faculty Host: Caroline Roper;

Plant Pathology 250
Target Audience
Students, Faculty, Staff, UCR Community
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